OK, come in *

Allow me to invite you to subscribe to AUTOSAVE IS FOR WIMPS, a weekly chronicle written by me, Alistair Dabbs – a freelance technology tart who juggles tech journalism, training and digital publishing, based in Montpellier and London.

Yes, that Alistair Dabbs. Please do not confuse me with all the others.

AUTOSAVE IS FOR WIMPS is utterly different from ‘Something for the Weekend?’ which ran from 2012 to 2022 in The Register.

Sure, the latter was also an opinion strip loosely based on the odd stuff that seems to happen around me at work, and it was published on a Friday, featured a deliberate mistake in each episode and finished with a YouTube embed. But SFTW is no more. The only place where you can read curmudgeonly commentary on IT fads, badly timed expletives, childish gags about toilets, gratuitous sexual double-entendres and dry observations from the radioactive Mme D is here at WIMPS.

Subscribe and get it by email

Since I don’t trust you to find AUTOSAVE IS FOR WIMPS without an adult on hand to help, I have decided to be unpleasantly intrusive and make it available via email like those tedious industry newsletters that keep turning up and you didn’t really want but your line manager thinks you should be reading.

Just imagine your unbridled joy when my streamlined missive slips unexpectedly into your box on a Friday. What better to get you in the mood for beer o’clock?

OK, lots of things, I admit, but you could always pretend that AUTOSAVE IS FOR WIMPS is one of them. So please click on this button if you haven’t previously done so.

As a special treat to you for having read this far, here’s a picture of me looking untypically cheerful about the prospect of writing a weekly chronicle that will be read by 14 people:

* I hope somebody gets the Nigel Molesworth reference otherwise these columns are going to be hard work.

Subscribe to Autosave is for wimps

An inessential chronicle for (beer o') clock-watching IT people


Freelance tech journalist, itinerant Certified Adobe Instructor and jobbing app dev based in Montpellier and London.