Sep 18, 2020Liked by Alistair Dabbs

For the french speaking ones: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tBH2O7hDAa4 (PS: Trotsky was assassinated following Stalin's orders, in 1940. Lenin created the Cheka and the Gulag, so he has definitively a lot of blood on his hands. The mayor who said the opposite was well known for his controversial declarations / provocations)

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Sep 18, 2020Liked by Alistair Dabbs

I have already heard of these famous statues, but never saw them, even in photo before. Just plain hideous ! Thanks you for the hilarious descriptions. These are the brainchild (?) of the late (?) George Frêche, also known for his uttermost respect for his voters ("je fais campagne auprès des cons, et j'engrange les voix en masse") , or his contributions against racism, when deploring the proportion of black people in the France national soccer team, amongst a lot of other high-end politicians wits and actions.

I discovered reading the wiki page that one of his minion spent 80000 euros of public money for erecting a statue to Frêche, maybe it's also a form of karmic retaliation... May the pigeons take care of his head !

Any way, thanks you Mr Dabbs for your weekly fun, you are entertaining my Friday !

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Sep 21, 2020Liked by Alistair Dabbs

I wonder if "we" will erect statues to modern slave-drivers - I'm thinking of the likes of Jeff Bezos or Mike Ashley but I'm sure there are plenty on that list - only to tear them down days or weeks later just to keep up with ever-increasing speed the world seems to want to run at now?

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Sep 21, 2020Liked by Alistair Dabbs

With that protuberance at crotch height, I'd have guessed Mao's statue was actually Rocco's.

Not the hero we need, but the one we deserve indeed.

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